Good morning-The Political Pundit (Smile)

Well good morning to all and all a good morning, today I am on my soapbox again. Which to some of you is nothing unusual. News topics of the day as usual has got me incensed this morning.

First of all, the Reverends John Hagee and Rod Parsley issue, which to those of you who havent heard this ministers have formally endorsed John McCain. Now, John McCain after pondering their different issues, he has formally denounced their endorsements. Why would he accept their endorsements, after he had seen the drama that Obama (ooh I am rhyming) had gone through with the Reverend Wright? For starters, Rev John Hagee, has stated in his sermons that Hitler was an instrument of God (snippet on an audio tape); made derogatory comments about Catholics, and further stated that 9/11 was because of the Gay community. Reverend Rod Parsley has stated that Muslims are the Anti-Christ and evil. Now I know that people looked at Obama had sat in Rev Wright’s Church for about 20 years; but really not the whole twenty years, he was in the Senate, so he had probaly attended the church once or twice a month. But once again I am so proud of Obama, he did not lambast the John McCain, he stated that Rev Hagee or Rev Parsley’s comments cannot be attributed to McCain’s values. You know what African American people, if we don’t do anything else, we will forgive people no matter what they say or do to us. America is still a racist society, but you know what the young Jews and whites are supporting Obama, so they are really trying to move this country forward, and erase the old racist ways.

Nextly, have you heard about the Florida lawsuit? You know the democratic party in Florida was to take the DNC to court so their votes can count. Now, me the analyst is looking at it , that Hilary is behind all of these mess, because Barack is actually the front runner and this is a last ditch effort to become the Democratic nominee. Florida and Michigan votes should count, but those two states tried to hold their primary earlier than the historical Iowa caucus, so therefore they were disqualified. Both states knew the outcome and signed off with the DNC on this issue. You know if Hilary was in front, she would not have really cared at all. Now nothing against Hilary supporters, but now they should look at it and say she is not having an ethics in regards to this race at all. She is trying to break up the whole Democratic Party in general. Now, I am going to say this, if Obama, who is the front runner, does not get the nomination, I will not be voting for HILARY at all. There policies are the same, but it is the way she has handled this whole campaign thing. How could she make the argument that her supporters (Blue collar lower middle income whites) would not support Obama; but Obama’s supporters (African Americans, educated higher income whites) will support Hilary. She must think that I am crazy, as to say that African Americans are that ignorant to vote because it is the Democratic Party, even though the Democratic Party will technically berate us if she gets the nomination. Now if she was winning fair and square, that would not be any problem at all. According to the CNN election statistics, Obama has 1965 pledged delegates, and Hilary has 1779 pledged delegates; there are only 76 delegates needed by Obama to clinch this nomination. But old Hilary is steadily saying that she is more electable than he is. I didnt say that I would support McCain either, but as far as treatment is going, he really doesnt say too much about Obama, except attack his policies; that is political not personal. Hilary has been doing personal attacks, whether talking about Rev Wright, or whatever she can throw at Obama.

Lastly, on the elitist comment, I get it now after careful examination. If an African American family goes to a prominent university, speaks eloquently, just paid off their school loans, live in a nice home in a suburb of a major city, and states that people are bitter when lower income people are losing jobs,therefore they are clinging to guns, religion, and negative thoughts about immigration;that makes the family seem elitist. What Obama stated was not elitist but true. I mean technically if you lose your job some people do blame immigrants, will start to go to church more (looking for the break through), and hold on to their weapons to protect themselves!

Good Day

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